Pablo Galve

The Mandalorian: Ashes of the Empire

3D game built from scratch in 4 months using our own custom C++ game engine.

The Mandalorian: Ashes of the Empire

My Contribution

"The Mandalorian: Ashes of the Empire" is a 3D game built from scratch in 4 months using our own custom C++ game engine.
This project was done for the subject "Project 3" at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (CITM-UPC). We also collaborated with Smilegate Barcelona.

I worked on:

  • Game Engine: Particle System in C++.
  • Game Development in C#.
  • Project Website using html/css.

Particle System

I worked on the development of the particle system in the game engine using C++.



I developed systems for the HUB using C# such as NPCs spawn system in random spawn points.

On each game, the NPCs will spawn in different positions with correct animations and everything set up.

Skill Trees

I worked on the skill tree system to allow the players to but power-ups that increase their skills such as health, damage, speed, etc.

Vehicles & Turrets

I coded the movement and rotation of all the vehicles and turrets in the game.



I developed the entire website using html, css and javascript. I collected data and received feedback to improve all the functionalities and aesthetics of the web.
